How to check your balance

Balance check

Checking your balance is easy, you can check your balance using internet banking, moneytree app or phone banking.

  1. Log into internet banking.
  2. Your accounts will display on the home screen when you log in.
    For each of your accounts, two balances will show. ‘Available’ refers to the money you have access to, and can use to make purchases. It removes the balance of any pending transactions that are still being processed. ‘Current’ will display what is currently in your account – including pending transactions. Pending transactions can occur when you make a purchase but it doesn’t process straight away, meaning the funds are still technically in your bank account and waiting to be processed.
  • Log onto the moneytree app using your passcode, pattern or Touch/Face ID.
  • Select accounts
  • Both your available and current balance for all your accounts will be displayed.

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