What happens after home loan approval?

Your home loan has been approved, here's what happens next.

After approval

Once you’re loan has been conditionally approved or fully approved we’ll be in touch with each loan applicant separately to start the activation process.

  • Request additional documentation. Your lender or broker specialist will also be in touch to discuss the next steps regarding your loan, which may include the terms and conditions of your loan along with any other documentation required.
  • Activation email. We’ll send you an email seeking your permission to setup your accounts. You’ll need to select ‘Setup my accounts’ once you’ve reviewed the terms and conditions, and we’ll take care of the rest.
  • We’ll send you a reminder. In case we don’t hear from you, we’ll follow up with an email or phone call to ensure we can activate your membership.
  • Need help or unsure? Get in touch with us and a member of our team will be able to answer any of your questions and activate your accounts.


Handy tip:

We’ll never ask for your personal bank details via email.

Setting up your accounts

Once we receive your approval, we’ll go ahead and setup your accounts and activate your service channels.

  • Update your internet banking password. We’ll send you an email with your customer number and an SMS with your password, so you can log onto internet banking. Be sure to login and change your password.
  • Setup your direct debits and credits. Now’s the time to setup your direct debits and arrange for your pay to be transferred into your new account – here’s how.
  • Download moneytree. Download our mobile banking app, and enjoy the convenience of accessing your account with the touch of a button.

What happens after settlement

Once your loan settles we’ll send you an email with your account details and repayment information. Our team will setup your loan repayment schedule. However, if you’d like to change the frequency, you can do so online.

Our team will be in touch shortly after funding to ensure everything is in order and setup and answer any questions you may have about your loan.

Handy tip:

If you have haven’t already transfer your pay and setup your direct debits.

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Service always wonderful, very professional staff, so helpful and friendly.

A pleasure to deal with prepared to make sure your needs are meet.

– Margaret

Investment home loans

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